Sunday, 12 April 2015

Wishes and Dreams

The next thing was to approach publishers. This was still the day of snail mail and paper applications. I must have printed off about 20 copies of the required 'First Three Chapters' to send in large brown A4 envelopes, covering letters attached with shiny new paper clips and stamped addressed envelopes for replies.  

I remember the excitement and tummy nerves when I posted them into the red post box at the end of our street. 

Then came the wait.

Slowly, over the course of six to twelve months, little white envelopes addressed to myself in my hopeful handwriting, came plopping through my letterbox. Despite the fact that they were all contained rejection slips, I still felt very proud somehow. At least it showed that I had written a novel and that I had tried. All was not lost. I still held onto my wishes and dreams

1 comment:

  1. We've all been there. :-/ Years of it. You have to have faith in this business, don't you? :-)
