What next?
Having been given a confidence boost by winning the prize - £100!! I decided to write some more short stories based on the same character - my father as a small boy. My husband refused to read any of the new work until I had written ten stories - this gave me a huge incentive! I was working full time with four young children and finding the time and space wasn't easy, but it was being done as a homage to my father and this spurred me on! So I had two men in my life encouraging me to write - one very much alive and one dead!
Only problem was the spellcheck - I was using Scots dialect and what a nuisance it was!
I escaped back to the 1930's and tried to recreate the atmosphere of large families and the extreme poverty to be found in the heart of Scottish cities in those years between the wars.
I managed to write the ten stories and I had a vague plan of publishing them as a booklet. A local magazine printed a few and I had the wonderful fun of seeing them being used as reminiscence therapy with dementia patients - how great is that??? An endless loop of stories being told and then forgotten and then told again - ha ha!
I never did get round to publishing them but I really must do an upload to kindle one of these days.
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